Our Purpose

The Foundation was established in 1968 to provide Rupert and Ruth Dunklau a systematic method of gifting to God’s people a portion of the blessings God had given them.

The Foundation exists to glorify God and serve His gracious will, by providing financial resources for the varied ministries related to the Lutheran tradition, especially the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, educational entities of the Lutheran Church and appropriate projects that promote the welfare of mankind

Lutheran Education
The Foundation will support processes, efforts, and programs of ministries that engage people in furthering their education and continued learning opportunities, enabling them to become of greater service in meeting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of people.
Health & Human Care
The Foundation will support processes, efforts and programs of ministries that take collaborative and results- oriented approaches that address the varied needs of people in His Church and the communities they serve, thus promoting the welfare of mankind.
Faith Strengthening
The Foundation will support processes, efforts and programs of ministries that strengthen, enhance and embolden participants and their families to share their Christian faith in His Gospel Message, lived as well as spoken.

Regional Focus

The Foundation Board of Directors refined its geographic focus in August 2018. Moving forward, we will award health and human care grants exclusively within a 50-mile radius of Fremont. 

Faith-strengthening and educational grants will be considered on a regional basis, but human care grants will remain limited to the designated area.

Learn More About Eligibility Requirements

Regional Map

Frequently Asked Questions

All prospective applicant must have its own 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status conferred by the Internal Revenue Service or be a tax supported entity of the government.  The Foundation does not accept applications from Individuals, Congregations, Christian/Parochial Grade Shools, Pre-schools, Daycare Centers or ministries that operate within and/or under Congregational 501 (c) (3) tax exempt certification.  In addition the foundation does not fund ministries and organizations whose primary work is done in foreign countries.  Finally, the foundation will not make a grant for more then 50% of the grant seeker’s total need.

Priority will be given to grant requests that help the Foundation realize it’s three main goals – Lutheran Higher Education, Health and Human Care, and Faith Strengthening.

The Foundation Board of Directors, in August of 2018,  narrowed its geographic focus for the foreseeable future.  Present geographic foci are Nebraska and her contiguous states of Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado South Dakota and Wyoming.

Any ministry or organization that has not previously received a grant from the foundation must first submit an Inquiry Application, as found on this website.  Ministries and/or organizations that have previously received a grant from the foundation, should call the foundation office when applying for subsequent grants so that they use the most updated grant request application and process information

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Dunklau School of Business / Midland University

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Dunklau Gardens

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Lessons Learned – From Rupert’s Generosity

Lesson One. Rupert received many awards and recognitions including, The Spirit of Giving Award.